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Units for refrigeration with direct expansion. They are designed with 2 or more compressors, with internal or remote condenser.
Multi-compressor system consisting of two or several semi-hermetic reciprocating compressors
Multi-compressor system consisting of two or several semi-hermetic reciprocating or scroll compresso...
Multi-compressor system with cascade refrigeration cycle for two different thermal levels (CO2 in su...
Multi-compressor system with cascade refrigeration cycle for two different thermal levels, consistin...
Multi-compressor system consisting of two or several scroll compressors
Faired machine refrigeration and air conditioning
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Tecno Refrigeration S.r.l. - © Copyright 2016 - Tutti i diritti riservati P.I. e C.F. IT03682650282, n° iscrizione alla Camera di Commercio: 03682650282 - n° REA 329200 cap. soc. €11.000,00 Privacy Policy - Cookies Policy
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