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Units for commercial refrigeration
Machine consisting of: 2 or several scroll compressors. Also available in silenced version, with remote condenser, higher power compared to the KT range. It comes with a cover and can be connected to the relative evaporator. Fields of application: medium and low temperature.
MA units are condensing units, intended for commercial and industrial refrigeration applications, both for positive preservation temperature “N” and for frozen product preservation “L”. Using 2, 3 or 4 hermetic scroll and piston-operated semi-hermetic compressors with a parallel configuration, gives the possibility to choose from a wide range of cooling capacities. The compressors are housed in a special compartment separated from the condenser air circulation compartment, which may be soundproof with different levels of noise reduction. The fans feature 6-pole electric motors.
Potenza Min: TN: 10 kW @ -10°C/+45°C - BT: 9 kW @ -35°C/+45°C
Potenza Max: TN: 280 kW @ -10°C/+45°C - BT: 102 kW @ -35°C/+45°C
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