Multi-Compressors units - All in Box

Units for commercial refrigeration

Faired machine refrigeration and air conditioning

All in Box

Machine consisting of two or more semi hermetic reciprocating compressors. Provided in muted mode with condenser on board and complete the accumulating station and pumping hydronic for air conditioning.

It has the basic advantage of integrating signal conditioning and refrigeration in one carpentry. An advanced onboard microprocessor manages all machine functions.

Possibility of use of an inverter for adjustment of the capacity. Fields of application: medium and low temperature, air conditioning in summer and winter.


Potenza Min: TN: 17 kW -10 °C - BT: 10 kW -35 °C - CDZ: 20 kW +12/+7/+2 °C - HT (Riscald.): 25 kW +45/+40/+35 °C

Potenza Max: TN: 150 kW -10°C - BT: 50 kW -35 °C - CDZ: 300 kW +12/+7/+2 °C - HT (Riscald.): 400 kW +45/+40/+35 °C

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